The Newsletter of the 3rd Recon Association   


The Harborsite web-page is a copy of the Association's newsletter that is mailed to Marines and Navy Corpsmen of the 3rd Recon Battalion who served in and are members of our association.  The association currently has over 1,300 members listed on our mailing roster. Copies of the Harborsite are also mailed to friends of 3rd Recon and to individuals and organizations within our extended Marine Corps community.

If you are missing a copy or would like to receive newsletters in the future, contact the membership chair listed on the Association Officer's Page.  If you move or in any way change your mailing address remember to  contact the association with the new information .

For those who would like to volunteer their time to the newsletter and/ or share a story or photos of past or current areas of possible interest to   association members,  e-mail the potential story for editing and insertion in future Harborsites.   E-mail your story to the editor of the newsletter listed on the Officer's web page.  Articles will be printed in New Times Roman, size 9  font regular print.  All stories/photos received, printed in the newsletter or not, are the property of the sender and are used with their permission by the 3rd Recon Association.   All rights reserved. 

 An extensive search was conducted since the October reunion in Kissimmee, FL to locate members of the battalion who were missing from our rolls.  As a result of that effort the December 2008 issue of the Harborsite was mailed to an additional 500 plus men who served with the 3rd Recon Battalion during the years 1961 through 1971.   This list includes members whose addresses were lost over the years and men verified as serving in the battalion who we never had on board or lost contact with.  Even with the addition of these 500 names another 1,500 names, that we have records of, are still missing and yet to be found.  (The Association has a database of over 3,300 names. They can be found in the section "Men of 3rd Recon" on the main web page.  The database is not complete..)   The association strives to relocate and/or account for all our brothers who served in the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion in combat.

Summer 2024

Winter 2024
Summer 2023
Summer 2022
Summer 2020

Spring 2020

Fall 2019
Spring 2019

Winter 2019
Winter 2017
Spring 2013 Edition
June 2010 Edition
April 2009 Edition
Dec 2008 Edition

Other editions will follow.


All photos and information printed in the Harborsite may not be copied without the written permission of the respective owners or association.  All rights reserved.